DIG - Downtown Improvement Grant
Program Overview
The objective of the Main Street: Greeneville Downtown Improvement Grant (DIG) is to provide incentives to improve the facades of commercial buildings within the Main Street Overlay District in downtown Greeneville. By improving the appearance of building facades, the program serves to increase the economic vitaility of this area. Improved aesthetics also increase property values, enhance the marketability of space within the buildings, and draw businesses and residents to the area.
The Main Street Greeneville DIG Program is administered by Main Street: Greeneville, Inc. with the assistance of the First Tennessee Development District (FTDD) and the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD).
Eligible Properties
Certain commercial and mixed-use properties located in the Main Street Overlay District are eligible for DIG program (see map below). Please note that in the event that the District boundaries change, the Main Street Greeneville DIG Program boundaries will change as well.
Not accepting applications at this time.